Investing Hut is your one-stop solution for financial markets. We provide our view so that investor can take right decision to invest hard earned money/savings in high quality companies which is having good track record and efficient capital management which in turn delivers high returns.
We believe that knowledge increases by sharing but not by saving. Our focus remains on educating/aware investors so that they don’t loose their hard earned money and invest/trade in quality companies. Our focus area includes a mixture of Technicals & Fundamentals which will give you an overall analysis of any company/markets.
Most investors stay away from stock market investments thinking it’s a complicated business or gamble. It is because they can’t find right stock market advisors who can guide them efficiently. Investing in stock market is a long term process to achieve financial goals of an individual.
Our Team

Mohit Jangir
(Individual Investor, Preparing for CMT)
He has experience of more than 9 years in Stock market and do technical as well as fundamental analysis. He always believes in sharing knowledge via various social media sites like Twitter etc. He has trained 100+ students and has the goal to keep sharing his knowledge with everyone. He believes in the concept of techno funda and has a set of studies for his trading and investing stocks.

Udit Sharma
(Individual Investor)
He has passion to invest in equities as he is actively working in stock market for the last 10+ years. He track fundamentals only and has some set of studies to find out good companies for long term. He believes that good governance will never destroy your capital in long run. He has the motto to learn and share knowledge.